Mourning Dove

This photograph of a mourning dove was taken at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.

Desert Duets: Mourning Dove Resources

Informational Books:

Doves by Mary Ann McDonald (Child's World, 1999)

Winging It: A Beginner's Guide to Birds of the Southwest by Catherine Coulter, illustrated by Jennifer Owings Dewey (University of New Mexico, 2004)

Fiction Books about Doves:

Tara's Flight by Ruth Eitzen, illustrated by Allan Eitzen (Boyd's Mills, 2008)

Web Sites about Mourning Doves:

ChipperWoods Bird Observatory: "Mourning Dove"

Cornell Lab of Ornithology: All About Birds: "Mourning Dove"

Desert USA: "The Mourning Dove, A Classic Canyon Bird"

Wikipedia: "Mourning Dove"

Mourning Dove Pages: Home | Information | Babies | Activity | Resources

Desert Duets: Home | Arachnids | Birds | Mammals | Reptiles

Launched: February 2008
Updated: 28 July 2012